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发布日期:2024-09-04 发布人: 点击量:

报告题目:Exploring the QCD Phase Diagram through Conserved-Charge Fluctuations at RHIC-BES and FXT

报告嘉宾:Toshihiro Nonaka(野中俊宏),筑波大学

报告时间:2024年9月20日 15:00-17:00



  Prof. Toshihiro Nonaka got a PhD at Tsukuba University, in 2018. He worked as a postdoc at CCNU, during 2018 – 2020, and is currently as an assistant professor at Tsukuba University, Japan, since 2020. He belongs to STAR Collaborations, mainly working on measurements of  experimental probes to explore the QCD phase diagram at RHIC. As one of the main authors and members of the STAR Collaborations, he has so far published 4 Phys.Rev.Lett; 8 Phys. Rev. C; 3 Phys.Lett.B; and 4 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, in total 19 papers. He has also been awarded by the 15th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan.    


  One of the ultimate goals in heavy-ion collision experiments is to understand the phase structures of the QCD matter and the nature of the phase transition. At RHIC, cumulants up to the sixth-order of the net-particle multiplicity distributions have been measured for Au+Au collisions in the Beam Energy Scan(BES-I, 2010-2017), and Fixed-Target programs(FXF, 2010-2017), where some interesting hints on the phase structure were obtained. Recently, the analysis of the phase II program (BES-II, 2019-2021) has been completed, which allowed us precise measurements at 7.7-19.6GeV.

  In this seminar, our 10-years attempts on the measurements of the conserved-charge fluctuations to understand the QCD phase structure, especially the QCD critical point, will be introduced. I will present how we have overcome the various difficulties on the higher-order measurements. Finally, the recent results from the BES-II and their interpretations will be discussed.

